
Top Exercise Trends for 2017

Are you ready to meet your 2017 goals? We’ve identified some of most popular exercise trends for the upcoming year.


Fitness Fun: Tracking Your Progress


What was one of the most popular holiday gifts in 2016? You may have guessed it…The Fitbit! Fitness tracking is one of the simplest ways to keep up with your 2017 goals. A variety of tracking devices are available to those interested in keeping a close eye on their progress. Not sure what is right for you? Base your choice on your own individual needs. Depending on your lifestyle, you might benefit from specific features which will enable greater progress specific to you.

What motivates you? For those who are competitive at heart, keep things interesting by benchmarking your progress with those around you. Studies show fitness tracking devices that allow you to compete with others in your circle can be extraordinarily motivating. Set specific goals and sync your device regularly to ensure accountability.

Fitness tracking isn’t exclusively focused around measuring your daily amount of exercise. The most popular fitness devices offer features where you can track your heart rate, nightly sleep, motivational notifications, fitness advice and much more.

Don’t forget about Transformation Tuesday! Are you comfortable sharing your progress with friends on social media? Transformation Tuesday is an opportunity for you to point out your progress. Proud of it? Post about it!

Exercising Your Body & Mind

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For decades we’ve assumed the key to achieving our fitness goals is to exercise regularly. In 2017, experts are pushing us to differentiate our efforts – encouraging us to regularly exercise our minds to ensure the best overall fitness results. Now more than ever, the ability to clear our minds of the constant hustle and bustle of everyday life is vital to our overall health.

Yoga studios aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Yoga has exceptionally increased in popularity over the last few years. It is clear that yoga, when practiced regularly, can decrease stress levels and improve your overall sense of well-being.

This year, many are waking up to the benefits of sleep. Not convinced? The reason why sleep tracking will likely be a huge initiative in 2017 is because it has been overlooked for far too long. A 2016 study showed more than 35% of American adults are currently sleep deprived. Exercise can improve sleep quality – just as vice versa sleep can assist with your stamina.

An eye opening connection for many people is that poor sleep can negatively impact your fat cells. The term “Metabolic grogginess” refers to this unfortunate phenomenon.

For Best Results: Always keep in mind that a healthy mind is necessary for a healthy body.

Customize It!


Now-a-days most fitness centers offer 24/7 access – not only have most gyms extended the hours of operation, technology has enabled fitness fanatics to customize their routines. Conflicting schedule? Live-streaming options are available for those unable to attend classes in person. Figure out what you enjoy and start doing it!

Fitness clubs have recently caught on to the importance of customization based on ability. Some of the most popular trends you will see this year will be specific to what you are looking for as an individual. To obtain your goals, you must first understand your current state and develop a customized plan.

Figure out what you enjoy. You will be more likely to achieve your goals if you are doing something which you like doing. Fitness should be fun!

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