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The Best Ways to Shop Black Friday & Cyber Monday

It’s almost that time of year! Make sure you’re ready for the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season with these tips:

Black Friday:

–          Be Careful of Scams!

black friday sale

Make sure you are getting the best deals on Black Friday. Stores know that customers will be rushing around and may not look at prices carefully. Sometimes products aren’t on sale. Do some research before you shop to make sure that you’re getting those awesome deals.

–          Make a Game Plan


Know which stores and what products you want to buy before leaving the house. This will save you a lot of money because you’ll be less likely to make spontaneous purchases.

–          Be prepared for long lines.

long line

Black Friday can be both mentally and physically draining. Make sure you get enough rest, take snacks, stay hydrated, and pack your headphones to listen to music while you wait in line!


Cyber Monday

Did you know that the categories that offer the best deals on Cyber Monday are: electronics, clothing, beauty, and home & garden? Use these tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of Cyber Monday this year!

–          Make a List

christas shopping list

Know exactly what you’re buying before the day starts. Start subscribing to your favorite stores email newsletters. This will help keep you informed on what sales to look out for.

–          Be Prepared!


After you make your list of which products you would like to buy, store your credit card and shipping information on the websites the day before. This will ensure a quick checkout.

–          Buy Discounted Gift Cards!

gift cards

Many stores will offer discounted gift cards online. Make sure you buy them! This way you can go back to the stores at a later date if they run out of stock, or you find other gifts closer to the holidays. You can also give the gift cards as gifts!

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